Wow! Once again I stand amazed at your literary work. This eBook is not only life-changing, but it’s also just what we all needed in the midst of a pandemic. I’ve learned more about the immune system than ever before. A healthy gut is my aim, and I desire the same for my family. Now, my favorite time of the day is when I’m able to curl up with my hot beverage and make time to read this eBook. What a great gift to help us to take control of our lives before permanent damage is done. I’m sending your Rich Food Lovers’/Gold Journal Publications’ website links to the people in my contacts. I owe you for this one, Dr. 🤓

Elizabeth G., Texas

I have read this eBook and I’ve bought five more to give to others so they too can benefit from it. I want to thank you for sharing your personal experiences and your knowledge on this subject. I never really paid any attention to what I was putting in my body until I read this eBook. If you care about your wellbeing and if your goal is to transform your mind and body, then this is your go-to manual to read, repeatedly, until your goal is accomplished. My goal is to see my transformation take place within the 40 day period with the help of this eBook. I look forward to this mindset change experience. I’ve learned that the changes that need to take place in my life begins with the right mindset. Thank you again for the practical and insightful knowledge that you put in this eBook.

B. A. C., Missouri

“You are worth the investment!” This is just one of the quotes that I wrote down from this eBook. There are countless, vital nuggets of truth throughout it. 

I never really looked at my plate (food choices) until I read this eBook. I want to, and I shall, transform my mind and body to enjoy health, wealth, and wellness. I’m excited about this new mindset change experience, and I’m so grateful to have read this power-packed eBook. I have four pages of notes and I plan to read it over and over again. It’s a handbook to take anywhere to read at anytime. 

R. Jay, Texas


This eBook is available on Amazon.com